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War of Heavenly Fire


Queen of Darkness


I am what they made me.

Lethal. Savage. Royal. 

Now I’ve been unleashed. 


When I’m sent to kill the angels leading heaven’s army, I didn’t realize death would be the least of my worries. 

Now my heart is at risk. 

Four angels stand between me and the throne that I’ve earned. 

A deadly warrior gifted with silver fire. The spirit of silence, stealth, and smoke. Heaven’s prince and radiant star. And the fallen angel who’s branded my soul. 

I have two choices: end the war and their lives, or turn my back on everything I’ve ever known. Infernal blaze, or heavenly fire. 

But each choice has a cost. 

In order to embrace one light, I must become the Queen of Darkness.

Tropes: Chosen one, enemies to lovers, forbidden love, hidden identity, angels, fallen angels, assassins

Content Warnings: Abuse, (past sexual, emotional), dub con, rape (in character's past), sexual assault (attempted and failed), sexual humiliation, images and discussion of slavery, violence

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I gave up everything.

My power. My future. My life. 

But will it be enough?


I was bound and dragged back to hell for refusing to kill the archangels that stole my heart. They stripped me of everything: title, dignity, and name. Now I am a slave—my only job to work off my betrayal in pain and suffering. 


Cassian keeps me close, both my tormentor and my savior. His fury knows no limits, but I’ve learned to crave his pain to know that I’m still breathing. 


Now the rumors rock the underworld. The angels are coming to surrender. The war will finally be over, and everything I’d been working to achieve will come true. 


But I won’t let them. 


When they concede, they’ll be torn apart, and I can’t let that happen. Loving them keeps me alive, and I cannot watch them die.


I’ll betray them again if I have to. 


In order to prevent their deaths, I will remain the Queen of Torment.

Queen of Torment


Tropes: Chosen one, enemies to lovers, forbidden love, angels, assassins

Content Warnings: Abuse, (past sexual, emotional), rape (in character's past), sexual humiliation, torture, PTSD, violence (outside the harem), suicidal thoughts, witnessed human sacrifice, blood, death (outside the harem)

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I am everything they feared.

Adored. Aflame. Alive.

I will do what I must to survive.


I tried to end the war and failed. Now Hell has a new Queen. One obsessed with ending my life and the lives of my lovers. Consumed by power and the need for my death, she will stop at nothing to extinguish the human realm and Heaven after it. 

My angels and I are on the run. An Infernal army has been summoned, and nowhere is safe to hide. But the fate of both humans and angels is in our hands. We unleashed Hell, and have no other choice but to destroy it.

I am the only one who can.

We have one last chance. 

In order to save Heaven and Earth, I must make myself the Queen of Annihilation.

Queen of Annihilation


Tropes: Chosen one, enemies to lovers, forbidden love

Content Warnings: Abuse, (past sexual), rape (in character's past), PTSD, graphic descriptions of torture, male sexual assault (on page, light description, not a named character), death (outside of the harem), violence, slavery

©2020 by Devyn Sinclair - All rights reserved.

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